Innovative NGS Library Preparation Solution

From specialty laboratories into every hospital

Fast - Cost Effective - Decentralized


Our Idea

Helaxy Pte Ltd, a molecular diagnostics company, envisions bringing NGS genotyping solutions to hospitals and laboratories worldwide through an automated and user-friendly instrument based on fluidics sample preparation. 

Committed to quality excellence, we innovate designs that address market needs and deliver functional products meeting clinical requirements for robustness, reproducibility, and accuracy.

Core Values | Team
Concept Design

Our Workflow Consolidates all Steps in ONE

3 in One Instrument

5 Steps in One Card


Helaxy’s Fluidics NGS Prep Solution

Moving NGS from specialty laboratories into every hospital

Cost Efficient

Zero Dead Volume

Zero Discard of Reagents

Turnkey Solution

Fully Automated: Sample In - Result Out

Less than 10 mins HoT

Environmental Sustainability

90% Less Plastic Consumables

Small Volume to Autoclave

Our Market

Move NGS from Tier 1 Labs into next laboratory tier with lower volumes.


One Device - Unlimited Possibilities

Discover Helaxy Endless Opportunities 


Support and Resources

Along with our high-quality products, we offer comprehensive services and resources such as Product SupportApplication Notes, and Publications, to ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

Product Support | Application Notes | Publications

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